The UKTMN provides several online training courses, which have been tailored to the needs of trial management professionals.
The courses listed below are hosted on a regular basis exclusively for UKTMN members. If you would like to know more or would like to join a waiting list to be the first to know about future sessions, please contact us.
- Introduction to grant writing for trial management
- How to be a good trial manager
- Principles of costing a trial
- Recruitment and retention
- Introduction to statistics for trial management (in collaboration with the Nottingham Clinical Trials Unit)
- Project management (provided by Pharmaschool)
- NHS England online training
The UKTMN Training Group use feedback reported by members to ensure the network delivers training in high priority areas, with the needs of trial management professionals in mind. If you have ideas of training courses which you would like to see offered, please get in touch.