The term 'methodology' is used heavily amongst the trial community, but what does it mean? And how does it affect your role within trial management?
Trials methodology research is focused on how trials are conducted. Methodological studies are carried out to find out if trial processes can be improved, for both efficiency of trial conduct and for patient benefit. Ultimately, trials methodology research aims to find out the best way to conduct trials to reduce research waste.
As trial management professionals are involved in all stages of trial conduct, their input into methodology research is invaluable.
As a trial management professional, you have a wealth of experience and ideas which can help guide methodological research studies. There are lots of opportunities to take part in research studies, which is an easy way to ensure the results of methodology research has taken into account the needs and experiences of trial managers.
Conducting, or being involved in, methodology research is a great way to develop as a professional. It increases your awareness of the best way to conduct trials, and helps to improve efficiency in the day to day management of your trials.
This bulletin has been written to give you more information about trials methodology research, and to hopefully inspire you to get involved!