UKTMN webinars are an essential resource for members, allowing knowledge sharing, networking and opportunities for trial management professionals to present to a national audience.  

The topic of a UKTMN webinar is not prescriptive, it can be a novel trial design you have worked on, a type of methodology that you think your peers would find interesting to learn about, or a challenge that you have overcome and learnt from. Sharing your experience and expertise is incredibly valuable to others and is at the heart of the UKTMN. 

Key information to note: 

  • UKTMN webinars are exclusively for members, so attendance rates fluctuate depending on personal availability and preference to attend the session
  • We record all live webinars to allow people to catch-up if they aren't able to attend
  • Webinars don’t have to be scheduled for a specific time period. Traditionally, webinars are scheduled for 1 hour, but this isn't always needed. If you would rather present a shorter session, let us know and we can accommodate this when we advertise your presentation. 
  • We can be flexible with scheduling, working around your availability to plan when to hold the webinar.  
  • We will help you prepare for the webinar, especially if it’s something you haven’t done before. We’re always on hand for a quick chat or at the end of an email for any questions you may have about presenting
  • We do all the administrative work – we advertise the session, host and then disseminate the recording 
  • You don't have to be a UKTMN member to present, but we request that all presentations are relevant to trial management

Topic suggestions 

To help you decide what you could present, we have listed some ideas for topics. This is by no means an exhaustive list, and if you have an idea that isn’t listed, we would still love to hear from you. Webinar topics can be wide-ranging but should be relevant and valuable to trial managers.

  • Conducting SWATs within a trial 
  • Consent with lack of capacity 
  • Recruiting diverse participants 
  • Establishing and working with PPI groups  
  • Using social media to recruit/retain participants 
  • Using social media for site/trial staff 
  • Novel trial design 
  • Methodological studies 
  • Recruiting in rare disease 
  • Paperless trials 
  • Learning from MHRA/HRA approvals or amendments 
  • Digital Trials  
  • Career progression (Senior Roles)  
  • Managing challenging behaviours 
  • Managing device trials 

Please use the form below to contact us about a webinar. Whether you have a topic you'd like to present or a subject you'd like to see covered by UKTMN, we welcome your suggestions!

I'm interested in presenting a UKTMN webinar


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