The aim of the UKTMN Events and Webinars Group is to ensure regular events and webinars, including the Annual Conference, are provided for UKTMN members as per the UKTMN Work Plan. The group will be responsible for horizon-scanning to identify event and webinar opportunities, promoting UKTMN events and ensuring external opportunities are advertised to members. 

A list of members can be found below:

Events and Webinars Group members:

Rachel Brierley Senior Trial Manager University of Bristol  
Simon Connolly Lead Project Management Royal Marsden CTU, London  
Riti Desai Senior Trial Manager Kings College Hospital London  
Amy Evans Trial Manager NHS Blood and Transplant’s CTU 
Stefannie GarvinTrial Manager Keele Clinical Trials Unit 
Ben Hardwick Senior Trial Manager Liverpool Clinical Trials Centre 
Kat Oatey Senior Trial Manager Edinburgh CTU 
Joshua Savage Trial Team Leader CRCTU, Birmingham 
Rachelle ShermanTrial Manager Derby Clinical Trials Support Unit 

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