Are you interested in joining the UKTMN Executive Group? Due to some of our members retiring or taking up new positions, we currently have up to six vacancies that we’d like to fill. We are keen for our selection process to be transparent and have put together the following information we hope you find informative.

1. What will the role of Executive Group member involve?

The Executive Group are responsible for the oversight and strategic direction of UKTMN. The group usually meet, virtually, approximately every 6-8 weeks. You will be asked to give input and feedback into UKTMN activities. Full terms of reference can be found HERE

2. What are the benefits in applying?

There are many benefits to joining the UKTMN Executive Group, including:

  • Working with other trial management professionals at a national level
  • Working with others outside of your organisation and/or department
  • Having your voice heard and help shape trial management activities
  • Providing a voice to your colleagues, through your input Using the skills, experience and knowledge you’ve gained through trial management to support others in the profession
  • Having opportunities to get involved in other, national, initiatives beyond UKTMN, via our collaborations
  • Representing your unit/department and gaining recognition for involvement in a national initiative
    3. What skills and experience do I need to apply?

    We’re looking for UKTMN members in a trial management role, who are interested in shaping the strategic direction of the Network and contributing to UKTMN activities. You need to be innovative and a creative-thinker with a can-do attitude. Importantly, you should have expertise in trial management, ideally having ran several trials.

    In addition to our Executive Group membership having the right skills and experience, we are also keen to ensure membership is diverse and inclusive. The group is currently underrepresented in some areas and we therefore strongly encourage applications from the following groups:

                • Men
                • Individuals based in a UK devolved nation
                • Individuals based in London
                • Individuals from ethnic minorities

    If you are based in a UKCRC registered Clinical Trials Unit (CTU) and there is already an Executive Group member based in your Unit, please do not apply. This is to ensure geographical diversity across the UK. Executive Group members are appointed for an initial term of three years, which can be subsequently renewed for two-year terms. Therefore, if you are unable to apply this time because of this clause, there may be an opportunity in the future.

    4. How do I apply?

    The short application form is online and can be accessed here: You will be asked to complete a series of short questions, so you can tell us about your experience, suitability for the role and, importantly, what you will bring to the role. You will also be asked to confirm that you have the agreement of your line manager and Head of Department, which in the case of applicants from a UKCRC-registered CTU, would be the CTU Director.

    5. How do Executive Group members get selected?

    Current members of the Executive Group are responsible for reviewing applications and selecting new members. Executive Group members will be asked to review all applications, independently scoring them, based on an agreed scoring system. All applications will be anonymised by the UKTMN Manager prior to review to allow applications to be assessed by merit only. The group will then discuss applications during a meeting. If a large number of applications are received, the review process may be split between Executive Group members in order to increase efficiency and reduce burden on current members.

    6. If appointed, how long is the term?

    If your application is successful, your term will be for three years from the time of your appointment. At the end of your first term, you will be asked if you would like to continue for a second term.

    7. Who do I contact if I’d like more information?

    If you need any additional information, please contact Natalie Wakefield, UKTMN Manager: [email protected]

The closing date for applications is Tuesday 7 September 2021. We very much look forward to receiving your application form. 

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